Product Product Type Last 1M Avg Annual Returns (2017 - 2023) YTD Returns
AiLA-S033 Agriculture
14.58% -3.44%
AiLA-S022 Base Metals
12.65% -13.13%


These indices provide an approach to combine the benchmark (beta) and AiLA (alpha) indices, in order to achieve a preferred minimum level of market (beta) exposure with an additional variable (alpha) component, with the goal to improve the long-term investment return.

Index Index Type Last 1M Avg Annual Returns (2017 - 2023) YTD Returns


These indices are designed to deconstruct an illiquid or non-tradeable asset into a basket of liquid assets which are tradable and verifiable. These allows clients to de-risk illiquid portfolios/price risk or get an exposure to illiquid assets.

Index Index Type Asset Tracked Last 1M