Spread Definition
WTI calendar spread M24 [82.82 $/bbl] vs Z24 [77.89 $/bbl],
with AUM = 100M and w = 1%,
would corresponds to12 lots M24 long and 12 lots Z24 short,
based on maximum price leg M24.
Spread Portfolio:
Statistic | Day | Week | Month | Quarter |
Avg Return | -- | 0.2% | 0.9% | 2.7% |
STD Return | 0.4% | 0.7% | 1.7% | 3.2% |
Max Loss | -2.1% | -2.1% | -4.3% | -4.2% |
Outright portfolio:(similar set of commodities)
In average, results suggest that exit at close on T+1 is as good or slightly beneficial with respect to earlier exit options, both when exit triggered by a stoploss as well as a target.
Portfolio Constituents