Rebalancing and Risk Management:
For all portfolio asset allocations:
Three late exit return differences:
A positive return difference therefore corresponds to SL loose less than if exiting later.
Results Observed:
In average, results suggest that exit at close on T+1 is as good or slightly beneficial with respect to earlier exit options, e.g. due to reversion tendency.
Stoploss | Mean | Std Error |
SL - Close(T) | 0.1236 | 0.0259 |
SL - Open(T+1) | 0.0571 | 0.0280 |
SL - Close(T+1) | 0.0478 | 0.0384 |
Results Observed:
In average, results suggest that exit at close on T+1 is as good or slightly beneficial with respect to earlier exit options, e.g. due to momentum tendency.
Results Observed:
In average, results suggest that exit at close on T+1 is as good or slightly beneficial with respect to earlier exit options, both when exit triggered by a stoploss as well as a target.