The AiLA Methodology has four sources of alpha. These include:
- Allocation decision: When to be long/short/neutral based on factor based classification
- Risk optimization: How long the allocation can be at risk based on pre determined holding period and risk/reward ratio.
- Curve diversification: Which point on the forward curve should be allocated is decided by an Independent Modelling decision. An example: WTI will have 12 independent models to decide which points on the curve will be allocated
- Portfolio Construction: Steps 1,2, and 3 yield a large set of independent return streams which are then combined by using a vol targeted approach to minimize variance and correlation effects.
- The aim was to better understand the alpha that AiLA generates by decomposing it down to the various components above
- 3 portfolios of $1B capacity were generated. Across all 3 portfolios, the Portfolio Construction, and Risk Optimization were consistent. In addition, 151 instruments across 23 diversified commodities were used:
- UVV : Unclassified Random Allocations, Risk Optimization, trading 1 point on the curve only per commodity
- CVV : Classified Allocations, Risk Optimization, trading 1 point on the curve only per commodity
- F1B : Classified Allocations, Risk Optimization, trading all points on the curve per commodity (A total of 151 instruments)
- Using the results of these portfolios, we aim to make some inferences about the components of alpha generation for AiLA