[Baz15] J.Baz et al., Dissecting Investment Strategies in the Cross Section and Time Series (December 4, 2015). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2695101
𝜌(daily) | Momentum | Carry | Value | AiLA |
Momentum | 1 | 62% | -44% | -2% |
Carry | 62% | 1 | -30% | -13% |
Value | -44% | -30% | 1 | -10% |
AiLA | -2% | -13% | -10% | 1 |
Further details about the downstream index methodology is found in,
Five asset index:
Dynamic weights:
Varying number weights:
Example: Gold_CME_June decision to allocate long.
2022-04-13: Entry decision
Close Price of Dec Gold 1 day prior to trade entry | Date of Trade entry | Close Price of Oct Gold 1 day prior to trade entry | Close Price of May Gold 15 days prior to trade entry | Open Price of Jan Gold 19 days prior to trade entry |
Low Price of Oct Gold 2 days prior to trade entry | Low Price of Apr Gold 9 days prior to trade entry | High Price of Oct Gold 6 days prior to trade entry | Low Price of Aug Gold 1 day prior to trade entry | Low Price of Aug Gold 16 days prior to trade entry |
US Weekly Domestic Crude Oil Production | US Weekly Crude Oil Imports | US Weekly Commercial Crude Oil Stock | Dow Jones Index | S&P 500 Index |
10 Year Treasury Yield Index | Bloomberg Commodity Index | Baltic Dry Index | USD Currency Index | USD-JPY FX Spot |
GBP-USD FX Spot | CME Copper Front Month | Gold Spot | CFTC CoT NCNC Soybean Oil - CBT | CFTC CoT NCNC #2 Heating Oil - NYMEX |
CFTC CoT NCNC Natural Gas – NYMEX | CFTC CoT NCNC Soybean Meal - CBT | CFTC CoT NCNC Cotton No. 2 - ICE Futures U.S. | CFTC CoT NCNC Live Cattle - CME | CFTC CoT NCNC Feeder Cattle - CME |
CFTC CoT NCNC Crude Oil - NYMEX | CFTC CoT NCNC Cocoa - ICE Futures U.S. | CFTC CoT NCNC Sugar No. 11 - ICE Futures U.S. | CFTC CoT NCNC Coffee C - ICE Futures U.S. | USD-BRL FX Spot |
(* CFTC CoT NCNC = CFTC Commitments of Traders, Non-Commercial Net Contracts)
2022-04-21: Exit decision